Information on the database
The place of origin, which appears next to the names of the individuals is that given in the source. If this information is missing in the primary source, the origin given in the field “Τόπος Καταγωγής/Place of origin” is that which is to be with certainty deduced or guessed from the context of the attestation or from further information. The places of origin followed by a question-mark (?) reflect an uncertainty.
The various versions of the places of origin reproduce those given in M.H. Hansen and Th. H. Nielsen, An Inventory of Archaic and Classical Poleis, An Investigation Conducted by The Copenhagen Polis Centre for the Danish National Research Foundation (Oxford-New York 2004).
Ῥωμαῖος / Roman can define an origin from the city of Rome or a Roman citizen of Italian origin (not a Roman citizen of eastern origin). However, in epigraphic sources, certain bearers of Greek names and patronymics are mentioned as Ῥωμαῖος in order to declare their origin from Italy either being Italiote Greeks from Magna Graecia or possessors of Roman citizenship, who do not give their full Roman name.
Roman / Ῥωμαῖος: defines individuals who are explicitly mentioned in the primary sources with this ethnikon.
(Roman): defines individuals who are indirectly identified as Romans, but it is not explicitly mentioned in the source.
Roman ?: defines individuals who are possibly, yet not certainly, identified as Romans.
A problematic category of individuals is that with the ethnic Ἡρακλεώτης which can be connected with various poleis named Ἡράκλεια. Here, only cases with some certainty connected with Herakleia / Heraclea / Ἡράκλεια (Lucania) are included.
Sub-project Supervisor:Zoumpaki Sofia, Research Director IHR/NHRFΕ
Research Associate (adjunct): Lina Mendoni, Senior Researcher IHR/NHRFΣ
and Konstantinos Andreas Liapatis, Master Student of History